Friday, December 5, 2008

Weather Fronts

There are four different kinds of fronts. Cold fronts are one of them. When there is a cold front the cold air goes under the warm air causing the warm air to rise. That makes it colder instead of warmer. Another kind of front is a warm front. What happens when there is a warm front is the warm air pushes the cold air out of the way causing the warm air to take its place and makes it warmer. Another kind of front is a stationary front. During a stationary front warm air and cold air mix causing thunder storms. The last type of front is a occluded front. When there is an occluded front there is a warm air mass caught between two cold air masses. The weather near the ground becomes cooler and water vapors condense and the weather may become cloudy rainy or snowy. Those are the four kinds of weather fronts.

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