The place I am visiting is the Roaring 40's. The Roaring 40's is a cool and scary place.It is located between the latitude of 40 degrees south and 50 degrees south. We are here to study the extremely strong wind causing large waves before we go sailing on them. Here we have to make it all the way back to the shore if we need to go back since there are no large pieces of land in the Roaring40's. When here i realized that the strong winds hits the water causing extremely large waves. The large waves can damage plants and animals as well as humans. Here people have tried to surf and they were not successful because the waves would knock them over. Sailors also have sailed the roaring 40's. Not many people like going here because of the huge waves. I think I am going to change my mind about sailing the Roaring 40's. That is what learned at the Roaring 40's.